So know I've earned some experience using a mutilate build. I am not convinced that this is the ultimate build but it seems amazing for battlegrounds and large-scale battles. The burst damage you can deliver is more than anything I've been able to deal before. For PVE I think it is simply horrible. I have been trying to finish a few quests in Netherstorm for gold and rewards but with my mutilate spec it takes forever... and the corpse runs. You see when I was a combat rogue I could easily deal with one or two adds without breaking a sweat. Just pop AR+BF+Evasion... With a mutilate build there is really no ace up the sleeve when that extra add comes. I've also discovered that I am truly in need of both more crit and +hit for mutilate to shine. A missed Kidney Shot can screw up a whole battle.
After a few battles I think I got a PVE combo going:
1 Start with cheap shot for a good stun and 2 combo points
2 Mutilate during the cheap shot for 2 more combo points and sometimes 3 with seal fate
3 Wait for energy and then Kidney Shot. There is really no use throwing a 5pt kidney shot if you don't have full energy
4 Mutilate (at this point you have Find Weakness and Imp KS running for additional 19% of damage)
5 Mutilate
6 You usually have 5 combo points here... and I like to throw an Eviscerate
This can also be done against unsuspecting, non-trinketing players... but I've found out that it is seldom they'll let you bash unhindered.
I'll finish this post off with a little PVP anecdote that happened yesterday in the Alterac Valley BG. There was a huge battle raging at Tower Point, the alliance was slowly gaining more and more ground. A very strong defence kept the allies fighting for every inch (meanwhile our own attackers made progress further and further into the dwarves territory). With my mutilate build I wanted to try out burst damage. I looked for mages standing in the middle of the "crowd". I could not find anyone hurt. So I just picked one with big shoulders (usually the damage dealers from hell) and crept up behind him. I released everything... cold blood, Ferocity trinket and a long string of loud curses. I managed to get about 3/4 of his health before his friends started bashing on me. Suddenly I had a debuff list almost covering the whole screen and I got a nasty stun. When the stun released I managed to give the mage one last mutilate - it critted and the mage died. With almost no HP left I did what any rogue would do... Cloak of Shadows, Vanish & sprint. I survived... and as soon as I hit friendly space I got a ton of heals...
For me it was a glorious moment. This is what I've been dreaming of doing as a rogue in the battlegrounds. And that my friends is what still keeps me as a mutilate rogue. I am not going back to combat for awhile.
5 years ago
man horde healers know what to do..our healers (priests druids pallies and even shammies) rarely give us heals :(..i had this locks DOTs on me and i knew i was gonna die if i didnt get healed, a shammy runs past me with no heal or anything (in AB)....
I have to say... from having played both sides.. horde healers are no better than alliance healers. It is just a case of "the grass is always greener on the other side" =)
ive tried all the rogue specs since hitting 70, and 41/20/0 has been by far the most fun. no argument that 15/41/5 will almost always do the mose damage in raids...but hell if the combo point generation and super high crits (omg cold blood + mutilate) arent the most fun ive had yet.
also, try using envenom (if youve got 5/5 vile poisons)
i broke the 41 pt assassination tree down pretty well on my blog, check it out lemme know what you think :)
I have the combat version of mutilate to test as well but I am pretty sure I'll hate it because of the lack of MoD =)
if youre on a pvp server, or your main aspect of gameplay revolves around pvp, youd probably want MoD more. otherwise, its a blast.
★★★I know how to get wow gold without farming. Click my name above and get the home. lol~
★★★I know how to get wow gold without farming. Click my name above and get the home. lol~
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