So I just finished my first arena game... a 2vs2 with an IRL friend playing a resto druid. A rogue and resto druid feels strong. However in our first match we got defeated. The opposing team was a Warlock and a Paladin. Man.. I hate paladins. They seem to last forever. In this particular match we went for the warlock first. Didn't really feel good. While I pounded on the warlock, and tried to blind/gouge the paladin at all possible times the warlock did burn down my druid. In the end I was alone against them both... and it went quick downhill from there.
Next time I rather go with my gut feeling of trying to burn down the paladin first..
For our next game the server crashed... bah... so I probably started my arena career with a loss and another loss due to disconnects. It is mainenance day tomorrow so that might be the reason.
5 years ago
What spec Lock was he? You have to figure this out in deciding whether to just plain out DPS the Pally's heals (Wound Poison + a few well timed interrupts) or rush the Pally and force the bubble asap. Basically anything with Soul Link (and if he's hybrid spec with Siphon Life and Curse of Exhaustion), you'd want to neuter the Pally first.
I have to admit I had a hard time analyzing the warlock... but he did not have CoEx and I was able to stick right on him like glue... Initially I forced up the pally to throw BoP on the 'lock...
Important thing for your Druid to get down, so pass it along:
When a target gets BOP'd in a Pally/X DPS Class lineup, your Druid needs to Cyclone the target asap, so he is immune to his own Pally's heals.
Ah... sound advice!
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