So while I have been doing the first parts of Terrokar forest, I've also taken Hexapuma over to the Night Elf starting areas and completed all quests.. all on Teldrassil, Darkshore and in Ashenvale.. the result was exhalted status with Darnassus and a brand new epic tiger mount.
With the remake of the riding skill around the release of TBC, an epic mount now only cost 90g (with exhalted discount). The part that is expensive is actually getting the epic riding skill. So without having to spend a single gold on runecloth I dinged exhalted. Now... do I need one of those mechanostrider-thingys as well?
I guess in the end it is quite pointless since I expect to start grinding for a flying mount soon.. but hey.. you have totravel in style while grinding.
So what are you riding?
I actually ride my battlegrounds epic cat mount most of the time, since when I add my Riding Crop, it significantly outpaces regular flying mounts. I use my flying mount in situations where traveling over land would be difficult or too time-consuming.
Grats to you on your epic tiger.
saame thing :) cept mines a mistsaber ^_^
Ah that was good to hear Psyae, I hate to think of leaving the cat behind ^^
Where can you buy the BG mounts I have never seen that before?
Back in the day when I was playing an Undead priest I grinded rep and got an epic raptor mount. I still think raptors are one of the best mounts in the game.
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