So finally after almost two years it is time for me to put the WOW gaming to rest. A lot of other things have come up and on the gaming front I've started playing EVE together with the very same people I once started out WOW with.
I still have my account active and do mainly PVP with my Paladin alt, Hexapanther.
So if this blog suddenly changes to feature lots of starships and other sci-fi elements you now know why... and to all rogues. Take care out there and be careful with that thistle tea.
5 years ago
Time to say goodbye huh? EVE was fun for me, but there is something about stabbing someone in the back with a dagger that I find appealing. lol. Burning Crusade should hold my interest until Age of Conan and Warhammer online are released, but who knows.
OMG right before the xpac!?! /cry!!!
if the xpac ruins the game for me i'm playing vanguard.
I admit I do miss WOW sometimes but the time comitment it requires is simply too much for me right now.
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